Why would I need a T-1 circuit?
Answer: If the cost of your individual local lines exceeds the cost of a T-1 circuit, you may want T-1 service. Do the math by adding up all the charges for your dial tone access lines, exclusive of what you are charged for your phone calls. Compare this to rates for T-1 access and partial T-1(known as fractional T-1) in addition to the cost of upgrading your system to interface with the T-1. If the cost of T-1 is less, it is then only a matter of time before it pays for the upgrade expenditure.

Why would I want my own voice mail system?
Answer: A voice mail system can help enhance the professional appearance of a business by providing information, taking messages and always working as a permanent advertisement. It can act as an efficient supplement to your human resources by expediting callers to the proper destination. Improper use of the voice mail can lead to inefficient communications by acting as a hiding place for irresponsible or overworked employees.

Why would I buy a new phone system versus a used or refurbished older model?
Answer: A new phone system and warranty usually comes with a steeper price tag. Like a new car, it depreciates quickly. Examine the features of the phone system as to their benefit to you and your company. Ask if you need the new features now and 2-3 years from now, or would you be fine with existing features for the same timeframe. The new system may be valuable because it consolidates technologies, such as VoIP. But if your customers are getting through efficiently and the system has low maintenance costs, the existing system may be more valuable in service than out. Maintenance and administration costs are sometimes the achilles heel of newer systems, requiring increased vigilance and more frequent software upgrades for telecom and network managers. Beta testing of new systems on endusers is a computer software manufacturers trick learned not too long ago by phone system manufacturers. Beware the first software revision of any new generation of phone system; sometimes it has to be patched or revised several times to eliminate any design or production flaws. In this case, it doesn't pay to own it first because the retail price is at its peak (remember the first vcr?) and it hasn't worked out its kinks. Don't be the guinea pig unless you choose to be.